• Course Number: ENGL 103A
  • Prerequisites:

    Writing 2, or 50, or 109, or English 10 or upper-division standing.

  • Catalog Course Entry: ENGL 103A
  • Quarter: Summer B 2015

We will *explore* profound and peculiar questions about nature, gender,
race, labor, crime, and American political activity/inactivity.

We will *do* collaborative, hands-on projects on 1. the print history of
the slave narrative and 2. transcription & interpretation of manuscript

Major Readings:
Kate Chopin, *The Awakening*
Emily Dickinson, Poetry and Letters
Harriet Jacobs, *Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl*
Henry David Thoreau, *Walden*
Mark Twain, *Pudd’nhead Wilson*

Additional Readings:
Bamewawagezhikaquay (Jane Johnston Schoolcraft), Charles Chesnutt,
Washington Irving, Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak (Black Hawk), Herman Melville,
Edgar Allan Poe, Sojourner Truth, Walt Whitman, and others.


  • Schedule & Location
  • Details Not Available