The Department of English Graduate Handbook is an essential guide to the Department’s graduate program. The handbook is the primary source of information regarding departmental policy and procedures related to the program. It is expected that all students will familiarize themselves with the handbook and take an active role in planning their graduate education. The handbook specifies the standards to which you will be held during your academic program.

Table of Contents

1. The English Faculty

2. Graduate Study in English at UCSB

3. The M.A./Ph.D. Program
3.1. Course Requirements
3.2 Distribution Requirement
3.3 Normal Progress for the M.A./Ph.D. Program
3.4 Incomplete Courses
3.5 Normative Time
3.6 Ph.D. Classification

4. The Ph.D. Program
4.1. Course Requirements
4.2 Distribution Requirement
4.3 Normal Progress for the Ph.D. Program
4.4. Incomplete Courses
4.5 Normative Time
4.6 Ph.D. Classification

5. Independent Studies, Colloquia, Special Courses
5.1 English 297—Graduate Tutorial with Required Attendance at an Undergraduate Course
5.2 English 500—Directed Teaching
5.3 English 591—Doctoral Colloquium
5.3.1 English 592—LCM Colloquium
5.3.2 English 593—Graduate Technology Colloquium
5.3.3 English 594—ACGCC Colloquium
5.3.4 English 595—EMC Colloquium
5.4 English 596—Directed Reading and Research
5.5 English 597—Individual Study for Examination
5.6 English 599—Dissertation Research and Preparation

6. Coursework in Other Departments

7. Foreign Language Requirement
7.1 Method 1: Translation Examination
7.1.1 Preparing of the Language Exam
7.2 Method 2: Coursework

8. The First Qualifying Examination
8.1 Concept of the Exam
8.2 Scheduling of the Exam
8.3 Format of the Exam
8.4 Preparing for the Exam
8.5 Evaluation of the Exam
8.6 Invitation to Continue to the Ph.D.

9. The Second Qualifying Examination
9.1 Examination, Prospectus, Reading List, and Chapter Conference
9.2 Steps Leading Up to the Exam

10. Advancement to Candidacy
10.1 Doctoral Candidacy Fee Offset (DCFO)

11. The Dissertation
11.1 Filing the Dissertation

12. Registration
12.1 Schedule Adjustment

13. Leaves of Absence

14. Deadlines

15. The Job Search and Job Placement Committee
15.1 Counseling and Career Services

16. Financial Support
16.1 Out of State Tuition
16.2 Departmental Fellowships
16.3 UCSB Fellowships for Continuing Students
16.4 Other UCSB Fellowships
16.5 Tutorships
16.6.1 Teaching Assistantship Duties and Workload
16.6.2 Terms of Employment and Length of Service
16.6.3 Selection of Teaching Assistantships
16.6.4 Teaching Assistantships in Other Departments
16.7 Summer Associateships
16.8 Employment on Faculty Grants

17. Administration of the Graduate Program
17.1 The Graduate Council
17.2 The Graduate Division
17.3 The Graduate Advisor
17.4 The Graduate Committee
17.5 Individual Faculty Advisers
17.6 Problems and Dispute Resolution

18. Departmental Staff

19. Reading Lists for the First Qualifying Examination